Bloomington Press Club takes a field trip for its meeting at noon July 26 to tour the Wells House, home of the late IU chancellor and president Herman B Wells.

Treasurer Sherry Rouse will lead us on a tour to see the artifacts from the life and times of one of IU’s legends.Wells purchased the house at 10th and Jordan when he retired as president (but as everyone knows, he did not retire from his career as IU’s biggest fan, appearing at functions around campus with regularity). He bequeathed the house to IU upon his death, and now it is used for special events and functions.

The scoop:

  • Lunch will be catered by Affairs of the Sun and will cost $10 for a boxed lunch with turkey, ham or veggie sandwich, pasta salad, fruit and cookie, and drink.
  • Parking is near the house, but in limited supply. Consider carpooling if possible.
  • The food is ordered in advance, so no RSVP, no food! Be sure to e-mail Sherry at by July 20 to make sure you get your grub.